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Design an antenna in q3d extractor

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to design an antenna in q3d extractor. Can any one suggest me how?

Am trying to design an antenna and simulate it in Q3D extractor can anyone help me.

Q3D isn't the best tool for this. You should use HFSS for this.

Tanq for your reply. Ya but I heard HFSS is good for higher frequencies, but I need to design for lower frequencies. Can you suggest how to design a coil. Thankq in advance.

HFSS can be used for coil designs and is used for coil designs today by several manufacturers. This would be my recommended path. It is possible that you may choose use Maxwell for a coil design too. With the latest release v2014 (released Dec. 2013) there is a new capability that will really enhance 3D modeling design such as coils. you can look up "3D Component Library" in the help to get more info. If you need more detail level advice on setting up a coil I'd recommend you contact your local support. They should be able to help you very quickly and make you successful.

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