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floquet port hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
A guide to Floquet port in HFSS v11

This is very useful for me. Thank you!

Could some one help me in understand how to plot the result of a single sell cell of an FSS structure simulated using floquet port as described in the above literature HFSSFloquet.pdf. I would like to know how to get the transmission and reflection coefficient. Also the S11.
My first post here and am trying to learn the tool.
Thanks a lot.

Note that HFSS calculates generalized S-param which means that the reflection coefficient equals to S11 and transmission coefficient is equal to the S12.

If you want to obtain conventional S-param (like those Network analyzer calculates) u should use some "post processing" to normalize the S-param to some impedance (say 50 ohm) or u can simply use the formula conversion from reflection coefficient to normalized S-param, these formulas can be found in many books like microwave engineering, Pozar


Quick note.

For the version 11 release, the following restrictions apply:
• Currently, only modal projects may contain Floquet ports.
• Boundaries that are adjacent to a Floquet port must be linked boundaries.
• Fast frequency sweep is not supported. (Discrete and interpolating sweep are supported.)

Version 13 don't seem to have those limitations. Update and enjoy like me


thank you very much

Thanks, i really need it~

Thanks a lot....

Is there any (pdf) about the excitation by an incident wave?

thanks in advance

Hi everyone,

If I have an antenna that must be feed at the bottom of the air box (where the Floquet port should be positioned) how can I make a simulation in this mode?


In my opinion, floquet port is also a kind of feed or excitation.the mode TE and TM should cover all the situation, I think. I wonder if my opinion is right.

The transmission coefficient from port 1 to port 2 is S21, not S12.

I agree with friendchip, but it should be noticed that Floquet port is matched in all frequencies, however, the feed is not. I think first you should make sure that the Floquet port (with specific settings) and the feed launch the same field pattern (i.e. same TE/TM modes) so these two will have the same matching condition. You can easily figure out which mode is excited by the feed (using the geometry of the feed and it's probably one of the fundamental modes) and configure the Floquet port to excite the same mode.

Why don't you use the feed as excitation?

Good Luck

Thank you so much!

Very useful for me thank you for uploading it...........

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