Need help with my 2D FDTD code written in C language
Hi, can anyone help me with my 2D FDTD code that I wrote using C language? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Below is the code:
Thank you!
Below is the code:
# include <math.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> # define IE 60 # define JE 60 int main () { float dz[IE][JE], ez[IE][JE], hx[IE][JE], hy[IE][JE]; int l, n, i, j, ic, jc, nsteps; float dx, dy, dt, T, epsz, pi, sigma, mu; float t0, spread, pulse; FILE *fp, *fopen(); ic = IE/2; jc = JE/2; dx = .01; /* cell size */ dy = .01; /* cell size */ dt = dx/6e8; /* Time steps */ epsz = 8.8e-12; pi = 3.14159; mu = 1.0e-7*4.0*pi; sigma = 1.0e-8; for( j = 0; j < JE; j++) { printf("%2d", j); for(i = 0; i < IE; i++) { ez[i][j] = 0.; hx[i][j] = 0.; hy[i][j] = 0.; } printf("\n"); } t0 = 20.0; spread = 6.0; T = 0; nsteps = 1; while(nsteps > 0){ printf("nsteps -> "); scanf("%d", &nsteps); printf("%d \n", nsteps); for(n = 1; n <= nsteps; n++) { T = T; /* - Start of Main FDTD loop - */ /* - Put a Gaussian pulse in the middle - */ pulse = sin(2*pi*1500*1e6*dt*T); ez[ic][jc] = pulse; /* - Calculate Ez field - */ for(j = 1; j < JE; j++){ for(i = 1; i < IE; i++) { ez[i][j] = (1.0 - sigma*dt/(2.0*epsz))/(1.0+sigma*dt)/(2.0*epsz)*ez[i][j]+(dt/epsz) /(1.0+sigma*dt/(2.0*epsz*(1/dx))*(hy[i][j] - hy[i - 1][j]) - (dt/epsz)/((1.0+sigma*dt)/(2.0*epsz))*(1/dy) *(hx[i][j] - hx[i][j - 1])); } } /* - Calculate Hx field - */ for(j = 0; j < JE - 1; j++){ for(i = 0; i < IE - 1; i++){ hx[i][j] = hx[i][j] - (dt/mu*1/dy)*(ez[i][j+1] - ez[i][j]); } } /* Calculate Hy field */ for(j = 0; j < JE - 1; j++){ for(i = 0; i <= IE - 1; i++) { hy[i][j] = hy[i][j]+(dt/mu*1/dx)*(ez[i+1][j] - ez[i][j]); } } } /* - End of main FDTD loop - */ for(j = 1; j < jc; j++) { printf("%2d", j); for(i = 1; i < ic; i++) { printf("%5.2f", ez[2*i][2*j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("T = %5.0f \n", T); /* Write E field out to file "Ez" */ fp = fopen("Ez", "w"); for(j = 0; j < JE; j++) { for(i = 0; i < IE; i++) { fprintf(fp,"%d\t%d\t%6.3f\n",i, j, ez[i][j]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fclose(fp); } }