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Help with linear motor, magnetization?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, attached is a picture of a cylinder magnet moving in and out of a coil, in a linear AC generator configuration.
Below it, there are 3 possible configurations for the magnetization of the magnet (axially/diametrically/radially).
Which of the 3 configurations will produce more voltage on the coil, assuming same motion, magnet mass and magnet strength conditions for all three of them?


use the first.
theoretically you will see no voltage with 2 and 3.


I was instructed by a physics guy to use something like the attached schematic. I am also showing the magnetic field lines short of.
It uses a magnet with NS-SN-NS, which will reverse the field four times per pass.
But I do not get it how this would produce more voltage. I think that this configuration will produce greater frequency AC not greater voltage. I thought that greater voltage could be produced only by increasing the speed of the moving magnet or the coil turns only.

Please advise me.


The greater frequency may cause a greater voltage. But in the NS SN configuration i have no clue about magnetic field strength...

It's interesting. Try it and post the results please.


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