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Mushroom-like EBG material

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

"Via" in the Mushroom-like EBG is metal or just a hole in the substrate?

If it is metal , then how could we fabricate it in materials like FR4?

Hi vijaimvk,

The Sievenpiper Mushroom Structure is a canonical EBG, I'm sure you could find plenty of fabrication designs. The via is a hole drilled through the substrate which is then usually plated with metal. The fabrication of vias in this manner is pretty common for PCBs.

Then while simulation we have to make the vias as PEC or copper.. rit?

Yes, that is correct.

Yes but if you can do a hole coated by metal in your simulation, the results will not be changed ithink.

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