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About absorbers by HIS (metamaterial)

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody,
I am studying some perfect EM absorber HIS (total absorbing for each polarization of wave) structures by CST MWS and It is very nice if someone could plz send me some tutorials or templates about this kind of structures in .cst file type,

thanks in advance.
PS - attached file is one of illustration for this hot field.

Anyone thinks about this paper?

Hi, cuongtran

I'm studying a EM absorber, too! But I don't find a solution. This file send by a warm person. If I find a good solution that you and I need, I will send it to you.

Hope this helpful to you!


Thanks cherne for help. send me if you have the good solution for this prob, thks

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