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How to select number of mesh cells?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all

I'm currently working on an antenna project where I simulate a monopole antenna in CST MWS. I've selected the time domain solver and designed the structure, then ran some simulations. So the problem I observe is that depending on the number of mesh cells I use, the result varies a lot.

I parametrized the number of mesh cells (in the mesh property window) "Near to model" and the "Cells per max model box edge" (right under the first edit box) using the variable 'a'.

This is the result obtained by variing 'a' from 10 to 38, using a stepwidth of 4.

My questions basically are:

- How to select the number of mesh cells? (Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to do practical measurements on the actual structure)
- What does the specification "Cells per max model box edge" exactly mean?

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