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plot real part of electric field in CST MWS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

I am curious if there is a way to plot a graph of the absolute component of the E-field in the near field vs distance (or frequency) when using transient solver in CST Microwave Studio software. Appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance.


You can define a curve in your model prior to running the simulation. Then, click on your E-field folder and under the 2D/3D Plot tab you can choose an option "Evaluate Fields on Curve".

See if that is what you are after :)

Thank you for the feedback gyz182. I am new in learning CST MWS. Sorry for this kind of question. What do you mean by defining curve?

No worries tesla!

Under the modeling tab, there's an option to draw curves. Some of the options are polygon, line, circle etc.

I would draw a curve in the near field region, and after running the simulation, I can evaluate the fields along the curve!

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any trouble.

Attached an example model for your reference. The blue circle is my pre-defined curve.

Thank you for responding. I am grateful for telling me step-by-step.

I have some problems and get errors like this : Template based postprocessing result "curve1_e-field (f=6.5) (1)":
Error in calling "Evaluate1D" function (Unable to determine path for curve 'curve1'. Please define curve with connected segments.)

I have defined the curve, what should I do?

Hmm... I have never gotten said error before. However, I have always "evaluated fields on curves" in the click of a button under 2D/3D Plot tab without going through TBPP.

Having said that, seems like the error indicates something to do with the pre-defined curve.

Looks like you are using CST 2015, which is all good because I have that version too.

If you'd like, you can attach your cst file for me to have a look at.

hello. please how can i plot abs(E) below the microstrip in the substate, at the center of the substrate and along the stripline in CST. This is standing wave pattern

上一篇:Polar Plot in Matlab

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