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ADS Momentum: Port not snapped

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I have just found some strange about placing port in Momentum layout. As seen from the picture, there are two ports where one port (blue) can snap to Metal 1 (blue), but the other port (orange) cannot snap to Metal 2 (orange). Not matter how large I zoomed to place the port to Metal 2, I could not make that port to snap to Metal 2. I tried to turn on every snap mode, but could not succeed. As seen, both Metal 1 and Metal 2 are on grid.

Anyone has seen this issue before ? As described from Momentum document, it says that even port is not snapped, it will snap automatically to the closest structure in the simulation, but not in the layout ...... Is this true ?

Thanks a lot :)


Yes, don't worry.

The blue port in your layout is snapped to a pin in the layout.
The red port in your layout is snapped to an edge where there is no pin in the layout.
Both cases are valid and work fine.

Dear Volker,

Thank you very much for your explanation. So, it means in Momentum that, even I could snap a pin to an edge of a layout, Momentum will snap that pin to the nearest edge in the simulation, right ?


Yes, you can snap the EM port to any layout edge using the snapping function, and Momentum will use that edge for the port. Everything is OK for your "red" port configuration.

Dear Vollker,

Thanks a lot for your confirmation again :)


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