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HFSS Antenna Simulation Hangs Up

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am currently several patch antenna simulations and for one particular design (patch ring antenna using two different substrates), the simulation hangs up with the following last message seen after hanging:

Sweep1: Solving adaptive pass #5
solving matrix part 1 of 2
retrieving data file 6_1.tvm

Can someone help me on what could be the cause?

I am a bit new on antenna design although my previous designs have not encountered this issue.

Thanks a lot in advance.

My guess would be it's just a big file and is taking a long time to read/write. How big is your simulation at this point?

Thanks planarmeta... The last message on the screen when it hangs is: "Retrieving data file: 8_1.tvm"
How do I know the size of my simulation? I have done a bit similar models with no hangup problems though. The main difference with this new one is I am using two different substrates. If it is indeed a size/system resource issue, I wonder if I can simplify my design..
Thank you very much for your comments/sugestions.

You can get information about the simulation from HFSS ->Results->Solution Data. You can see the size of the fields data as well as the number of tetrahedra in the mesh. Also, what are your machine specs? Check available HDD space as well.

Thanks a lot.. Btw, it has been working after I redo the entire project (not really took long). I think the problem was due to the x/y parameters of elements being a very long equation using variables since on the redone project I just entered the final value :)

it's memory problem. try using a computer with better ram and processor and see the result. Also, sometimes when we copy a .hfss file into some other computer and then simulate them and some file corruption takes place(no idea why) and simulation hangs ip.

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