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Assisting with hfss's calculator

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
hey there,

I want to know how to compute this with hfss's calculator :



the integral is over a volume ofcourse. and r' (inside the integral) should be a vector ofcurse.

If somone will be able to tell me step by step what should i push to the calculator it will be very very helpful !

thanks a lot !

I couldn't edit so i will add here:

The hard part for me is to add r', which is the source vector. my structure is made of a torus with radious R1 and R2.
r' should be a vector from the origin to the torus (and the integral should sum all of the donations).

It will be difficult to explain but lets try
1. First define vector r in your model it can be done by defining a line and you can define it as non model so it will not affect your model as such
2. Then define J since I do not know what your J is I will just comment that add step by step the mathamtical formula and add the defined vector r when needed
3. In this way define all the other mathematical quantities by pushing their mathematical formula in HFSS calculator and save it as named expressions so that you can re call them when you need to take volume integral.
4. Multiply both the defined expressions
5. Take volume integral and push the volume on which you want to take integral
This is what I can do in the absence of mathematical formulas. Key to define any vector is by using the geometry which you can push using calculator using Geometry push button.
So just define that geometry in the model and when you will push Geometry button on HFSS calculator all the defined geometries will be available then using appropriate vector functions you can calculate expression of your choice

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