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clone to and clone from commands in hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all
how can i use clone to and clone from commands in hfss
explain please, its urgent

all hfss experts kindly guide

Go to Tools>Options>Modeler Options and in the Operation tab, select or deselect clone toll object in whichever operation that you desire.
In most cases, it's better to deselect them. If it's selected it will copy the tool object before operation; so your tool object will not be deleted.

i want to know how they are used to draw siw structures

Hi You should use the substrate as Blank Parts and the posts as Tool Parts and do check Clone tool objects before operation, if not you will lose the posts and will not be able to assign them as conductor.

Although I have designed SIW filters, but I used ADS Momentum and didn't use HFSS because I thought since this structure is planar, Momentum would be better.
Back to your question, you can set conductors to override dielectrics and this way you don't need to subtract via holes from substrate and therefore you don't also need to check Clone tool objects before operation.

Thanks Hamid
can u explain the process by hfss command

Go to HFSS>Design Settings and in the Set Material Override tab you will find the check box.

Hi Hamid
If we check the Set Material Override does it override pec or just metals? thanks

metals will override dielectric objects. I don't have access to my HFSS now but I think objects with conductivity beyond a certain level will be treated as metals which should be the same case for pec.

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