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immersion antenna structure in oil on hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
how can i do the immersion of my structure in liquide on hfss
do i have to assign the materiel of my boundaries box as a oil or what ?

If you have a material definition of your oil, I don't see why using the radiation boundary box as your "container" wouldn't work. I've only used air and vacuum, so I have never tried this.

my problem is where i have to put oil in my structure if she's immersed ?

Create a huge solid block that is the oil, one that encompasses the radiation boundary.

is that what you mean?

there is no problem if my port is immersed in oil

That should work - the radiation boundary is a solid where you define the material.

ok i will try it

Dear SLK001,

I have another question for this. What are the parameters we have to define for the oil?

Only Dielectric const and conductivity enough for oil or any other parameters required

You will need to define at least these properties:

Relative Permeability
Relative Permittivity
Bulk Conductivity
Dielectric Loss Tangent
Magnetic Loss Tangent

If any are frequency dependent, you will have to define that, too.

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