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Two Sweeps for the Same Antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I created an antenna, i defined a sweep that extended from 2 to 12 GHz, i had a solution frequency of 7 GHz. Later i changed the sweep to be from 2 to 20, i changed the solution frequency to 11.5 GHz. I got very different results in the two cases. Can any one help me why is that. Please i need help.

Thank you
Kawther Hamad,

It probably depends on what software you're using, and what your convergence criteria are.

But in general, I would surmise that you're using an adaptive meshing process which is converging on one mode at 7 GHz, and another at 11.5 GHz. Pick the one that corresponds to your desired mode.

please explain more on what software you using to simulate and what difference in results you seen. is it S-parameter difference or gain and efficiency difference?

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