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HFSS Plot current in a sheet

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have a model which consists of various "Solids" and "Sheets".

I know how to plot the surface/volume current for the solids, however whenever I try to plot the same for my sheets, HFSS returns the error:
Plot 'Mag_Jvol1' becomes invalid due to no available solution,
Even though the simulation completed successfully.

The sheets in question have a relatively complex repeating hexagonal-wire structure with finite conductivity (copper).

How can I view the (surface/volume) current in a sheet?
Alternatively, if there is no way to plot the current in a sheet, is there a way to convert an imported sheet model into a solid, so I can plot it from there?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I found this solution for a solid, but for a sheet it is not possible to specify "Solve inside":
What you need to do in order to remove the "Plot Mag_Jsurf becomes invalid due to no available solution" error is to check the box for "solve inside". HFSS by default doesn't solve inside the conductor materials and you have to do manually in order to get the field distribution inside the conductors.

You can convert a sheet into object in HFSS in following way
Modeler -> Surface -> Create Object from Face

Successful completion of simulation does not mean that all parameters will be available sometime you have to include them before simulation or plot then via post processing

This seems to simply produce a sheet from the selected face, not a solid (unless I'm doing something wrong?), and the issue I'm having is that I can't plot the current in a sheet, so unfortunately this doesn't really help.

I've found this old document http://read.pudn.com/downloads107/eb...s/solidmen.pdf which says that the Wrap Sheet function should work, but for some reason it's greyed out when I try to click it.

Can you elaborate (or link to a guide) on your point of including parameters prior to the simulation or plotting them via post processing?

About the wrap command use HFSS help just type wrap sheet command in the search menu and it will open all the relevant help for the command.


That really helped me understand what sheets do, thanks.

I think the main problem is that I'm importing a solidworks model which should be coming through as a solid, but the way it's been constructed makes HFSS import it as a sheet, and since it has more than one face, HFSS keeps throwing errors when I do operations on it.

I tested this with a second, similar model which did import correctly. Unfortunately I'm not the CAD engineer so I can't say exactly what is different between the models from a solidworks point of view.


instead of writing "[Solved]" in your post you could use the button "Mark as Solved".


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