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HFSS, UWB Antenna is converged and giving S11 parameters perfect,but do not radiates

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi everyone. Please help me in getting radiation patterns. I have simulated UWB monopole patch antenna with CPW feed. I got the S11, VSWR etc but antenna is not giving the radiations. there is no radiation on radiation. can any one suggest me a solution? is there a problem with boundary conditions, Port or anything else?

Have you inserted a far-field setup using the radiation boundary?

thanks for your kind reply. yes i inserted radiation boundary and far field setup. but I am still not getting the radiation. if you can see the simulation, i can send you. that will be really helpful for me.

Please attach it here for the record; I'd be happy to take a look.

here is the simulation file. Thanking you in anticipation. Please have a look and if there is something you find, please let me know. It will be really helpful for me

I observed from your simulation file that everything is fine with small changes

1. Remove the so many setup files give the one set up with frequency sweep from 3 to 11 GHz.
2. Now take the gain in dB from farfield radiation pattern at particular frequency with desired theta and Phi values..

thanks alot for your help. I foud the problem. there was problem with radiation boundary.

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