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how to checkin cst either my antenna is matched or not? i

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
i design a patch antenna for fr=2.4 ghz but the antenna resonate at 2.35with s11 =-14.any one can plz tell me either it is correct or not?i changed the feed location and get resonance at 2.4 but obtained s11=-11 .is it necessary to resonate the antenna at 2.4ghz?

Depends on your application really, with s11= -11dB, that tells you that approx 10% of input power was reflected. with the resonance at 2.35GHz, if, with the same configuration s11=-10dB, it still indicates that at 2.4GHz 10% of power reflected. Ideally, you'd try to centralise your resonant frequency at the frequency of interest, because standard patch antennas are notoriously narrow band. Having said that, there are also methods to increase bandwidth of patch antennas, like slotted patches.

sir i also design another antenna for 4.1 ghs with s11=-13db.i want to miniaturize the antenna .can i use this antenna as a standard antenna?

I'm pretty sure you can, but I can't say I understand what you mean by a standard antenna. If with -13dB the power received is not enough, you could always increase the input power. Not too sure what your application is or standards, so make sure you identify the restrictions for your application. Eg. in IEEE 802.11 standards, there's a maximum value of power (can't remember from the top of my head)

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