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Frequency selective surafces

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all
i desire to design frequency selective surfaces in CST, but i use the unit cell boundary conditions and frequency domain solver. The S parameter results are Szmin and Szmax, but really i cant know which are the RL. and which are TL.
Can any one help me or explain Szmin, Szmax?
Also can i simulate the FSS using time domain solver?

Zmin and Zmax are your port locations. As an example, assuming Zmax is port 1 and Zmin port 2, SZmax(a),Zmax(a) corresponds to S11.
S21 would then be SZmin(a),Zmax(a).

where (a) represents the polarisation.

Cross-polarised terms would be something like SZmin(a),Zmax(b).

You can, but I think it is only for normal incidence. You can definitely set it up for oblique incidence but it is not as streamlined as using the frequency domain solver.

All the best!

Thanks gyz182 for your clarification
in case of Szmin(a),zmax(b), is it equal to also transmission coeff. ?

No worries. Yes, and that would be cross-polarised.

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