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[Moved]: error in running the example of silvaco

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
I run an example in silvaco tcad, "mos1ex10" , but I see this error in runtime window for extract comment:

ATLAS> # extract the device parameter SubVt...
EXTRACT> init inf="mos1ex10_1.log"
Can't read file 'mos1ex10_1.log': No such file or directory
EXTRACT> extract name="psubvt" 1.0/slope(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),log10(abs(i."dr ain")))))
initialization has not been performed

why this appear?

Because you told it a filename without telling it a
path (either explicitly, or in some setup preamble)?

thanks for your reply
how can I tell the path?
in user manual for extract statement just type the file name

Find the file and either add its directory to the search
path (I don't use the Silvaco TCAD tools, you'd have
to read the Help docs and see about that) or give the
file name as full-path, like "C:\blah\blah\mos1ex10_1.log"

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