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simulation of electromagnet

时间:03-27 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anyone recommend a free 3D simulation package for magnetic fields?

I'm playing around a little bit with getdp/gmsh, but I want to know if there is other interesting free software.

Are there any examples available for 3d magnetics in getdp?


What do you want to simulate?

There is EZNEC for modeling thin wire antennas, MIT Photonic Bands for modeling photonic crystals, and various free codes (usually finite-difference time-domain) available in this discussion group and the internet. I put some free finite-difference frequency-domain codes along with short course notes on the subject at www.kraetonics.com. Click on the courses link.


It is for developing an electromagnet. I did some 2D simulations with FEMM, and I want to compare with 3D to see if it matches the real prototype more.

Hmmm... I would go with EZNEC. It is based on the method of moments and I don't know of a more efficient way of modeling a wire-wound inductor. You can download it here:


Good luck!

上一篇:EM Simulator

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