Half-Space material in HFSS
I'd like to simulate an antenna next to an infinite half-space material (let's a say it's a wall of infinite thickness. While the antenna is next to the wall and surrounded by air.
Is there a way to build the half space material "wall" in HFSS??
Wich parameters of the "wall" can I set?
Thanks a lot for your help!
It should depends on if your wall is penetrable, i.e., whether one can simulate as a boundary condition in simulator.
My wall should be penetrable (it's like rock. I will just set the ε and tg loss) but I'm not interested in the propagation of my field inside the wall. I'm interested in eventual reflections and in the radiation pattern outside the wall.
I just wanted to know if there's a way to set an infinite wall like this in an easy way. I mean easy also by simulation time, because if I'd design a wall with a thickness of 1 meter the simulation time would be really too much.
I hope you understand my problem.
Thanks again for your help!
U'd like to use an impedance boundary condition, but this is NOT valid under arbitrary condition. So u should check this.
Thanks for the reply.
Do you have any idea how i can obtain the result i want under hfss?
I have an antenna close to a wall of a certain material and i'd like to simulates its behaviour. But I don't want to give the wall a finite dimension (because of the simulation time with big objects), I'd like to do an half space of a certain material..
Thanks again if you can help me.
Find out if ur problem can be approximated by using impedance boundary condition, otherwise I do not know other ways to save another "finite dimension".