dipole source
How to implement the electric dipole source in FDTD?
Any one can provide examples for me or some advices?
Thx alot~
This may be the simplest of all sources to implement and there are two ways you can do it: hard soure and soft source. The "best" way for you is probably the soft source as this is closer to the physical situation.
1. Pick a point to implement the dipole source (nx,ny,nz)
2. Inside your main FDTD loop, you will have a statement like:
Ez(nx,ny,nz) = s(nt); %% hard source
Ez(nx,ny,nz) = Ex(nx,ny,nz) + s(nt); %% soft source
where (nx,ny,nz) is the position of the source, Ez is the z-component of the electric field, nt is the integer time step, and s(t) is the source as a function of time and probably a short gaussian. You can, of course, use Ex or Ey as the dipole polarization as well.
Hope this helps!
is the dipole source same as the pointwise source?
What do u mean by "pointwise source"?
yes (provide you mean point sources).
Dipole source describes what you model, point source how you implement it.
dipole source ~= point source, I wonder