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Simple HFSS question

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

My goal is to see what kind of radiation pattern an antenna or waveguide has if we substitute air with teflon. So basically when normally an antenna radiates into air, now the open space would be filled with teflon. I hope i'm making sense. Anyway, this sounds like a simple problem but since i'm pretty much a complete newbie with hfss, i'd just like to make sure i understand what i'm doing. So, normally when you want to explore the radiation pattern of a waveguide for example, you create the waveguide which is surrounded by an airbox with radiation boundary. Analyse, create farfield setup and plot the radiation pattern. So in my case i should just create a teflon box instead of an airbox, am I right?

Thank you in advance

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