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create a via in ads, momentum

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out if my layout is suitable for hardware implementation.
I have two layers, called Cond and Cond2, each of them are routed with copper wires.
Once, I flip from one side of the board to the other, so I use via, in my simulation.
This via is defined as "via" in the substrate editor (layout layers).

In my mind, I'd like to consider a metallized hole connecting these two layers, not a thin strip, as I used to do.
How should I change my layout for 1)defining and 2)simulating correctly this ?

To define a via, I first draw a line sized as required, then I define the via in the substrate editor, so it's defined as a thin film passing through the substrate. Ok.
But I'd like not a thin film, but a metallized hole...

Any help will be VERY appreciated !
Thanks in advance

Maybe nobody still use ADS Momentum...

... just kidding !

in hf-ss we create two cylinders with, for example, cooper as material then make a Boolean operation (subtraction) between them, u will get a metalized hole.

maybe it is the same in Momentum! i don't know.

True, that's what I thought about...

The attached file will help you!

Thanks myebook, that's a pretty sexy tutorial :)
I made a quite similar version of tutorial for my own purpose, not so well illustrated and "user friendly", that's why I keep your version !

Best Regards !

Thanks for the note

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