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How to know the polarization of my antenna?

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,
I designed an UWB antenna Using HFSS. Is there any way that i can check the polarization of my antenna (e.g circular-linear-elliptical)?

the way to check your polarization is by looking at the axial ratio(AR). if the AR under 3 dB, it is a circular polarization.

Run down a copy of Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems, Stutzman to read more than you ever imagined existed about antenna polarization determination.

you can plot rEx and rEy versus frequency, if the difference between them is large, the polarization is linear, if the difference between rEx and rEy is lower than 3-dB then you reach circular polarization, else you have elliptic polarization

Hi nf707,

Be cautious, you could also have a slant linear polarization. When you are looking at components, phase is important too. Pay close attention to the comments above. In other words, Ex approximately equal to Ey does not guarantee (close to) circular polarization. It is necessary but not sufficient.

The reference above would be helpful. There are numerous other references on the subject as well.

hello Azulykit, your comment is right, but in must antenna, i don't think have a slant polarization, for example in microstrip antenna , for circular polarization we must excite TM10&TM01 modes that those vectors are in x and y direction, on this base i say you can plot rEx and rEy

Hello all,

I'm looking for some help in this matter as well.

I have a circular patch and it's being feed by a single source. I'm usong CST. the radiation pattern - polar plot for Phi = 0 and phi = 90 are nearly the same. can I assume that it's Circular Polarized? Will all circular patch have circulat polarization (in Tm11 case) ?

Axial ratio. How can we measure/plot this in CST?

thanks a lot for the help.

hello,i can't find the book "Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems" - Warren L. Stutzman,if you have one ,could you send it to me ? Thanks.

sure. Just post your address and it will be sent.

Hi there !! i need this book too. can u send me this e-book !! My email is ahmad@rwrlimited.com

thanks :)

Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems (Artech House Antenna Library) by Warren L. Stutzman - Powell's Books

my E-mail is weixiaodong1988@126.com .Thanks.

Here is where you can get a printed copy by following the link I provided.

上一篇:frequency dependent rlgc

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