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hfss scrip

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am running HFSS from a VBS script.
Unfortunately, the script does not wait for HFSS to finish the analysis.

here are the two lines:

oDesign.Analyze "Setup1 : Sweep1" ------ script tell HFSS to run

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("ReportSetup") ----- script tells HFSS to create a report

The script rushes to the second line before HFSS is done.

I understand that there are script commands that can take care of this. Something like checking on HFSS if the analysis is still running.

Can anybody let me know what the syntax is?

Also I need to release the license once the optimization is done.
Anybody know how to do this in script?



Do anybody know the answer??? I really need to know it. Thank you very much

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