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HFSS-help with defining output variable

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello! I have run a frequency sweep analysis in HFSS and have plotted a variable (let's call it Q) versus frequency. I have selected a Linear Count setup, with 1000 points, so it is as if I have calculated 1000 values of Q (each at a different frequency). Could you please help me on how I can define a new output variable that will give me the sum of all Q values (in HFSS)?? (that is S= Q(f1)+Q(f2)+...+Q(f1000))?

Instead of using HFSS to get the sum of all the Q values, use Matlab, it is much more easy.
After you plot the variable Q against frequency. Right click on the graph and export to .csv file. Then you can use Matlab to find the sum of all Q values.


thank you for your answer. However, I need to calculate this value as a variable in HFSS (because I need to use it as an optimization parameter to perform an optimization analysis). Is it possible to do that? Or if it is simpler..is it possible to get a variable denoting the maximum value of Q? (i.e. max (Q(f1),Q(f2)..Q(f1000)).
Again thanks a lot!

When you create your output variable, create another variable that makes use of the range functions...this is exactly what they are there for! in your case use the Catagory == Math -> Function == sum() function of a given existing output variable over a given calculation range of frequencies. Look up range functions in the HFSS help for more info!

later-- :)

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