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HFSS waveguide analysis - create an offset of a contour

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

I need to analyze a waveguide with an unorthodox shape. I have the shape of the OUTER cross section (2D dxf - Customer info provided). I would like create IN HFSS the INNER cross section contour.
I can do that in Autocad, but unfortunately Autocad cannot read the dxf provided, so this is why I need to do that in HFSS.

Any ideas?

Thank you


I would look up the wrap command in HFSS help pages: Modeler>Surface>Wrap. Also lookup Boolean>Imprint. These are different ways that you may be create the INNER cross section counter using the outer one in HFSS. That is as much as I can think of without knowing your exact structure. Good luck!



thank you for your help. see snap attached. I have the profile in the right.
I need to make a pipe lie the one on the left.
for the left I just build the yellow cylinder, then the red cylinder and subtract.
I do not know how to create the 'red' from the yellow in the right side

Hi Kato,

Have you looked up wrap or imprint commands in HFSS? I think you can use the yellow on the right and imprint it on or wrap it around a cylinder with the required diameter as in the red one.


well 'imprint' requires 2 objects. I have ONLY ONE. I need to create the second first to use imprint.
see the picture before. left side has 2 objects. my problem is to create the RED from the YELLOW for the RIGHT side

Hi Kato,

I understand that you have the yellow object on the right wrapped. Is that correct? Then you can imprint it on a sheet. Then when you have that, imprint it again on a cylinder with the diameter that you need for red.


no, I'm afraid I was not clear enough. here is again:

1. the left picture has two 2D circles one yellow and one red. if you subtract red left form yellow left you get an annular shape.
2. i need to reproduce the process for the yellow right
3. but on the right i have only the yellow
4. SOMEHOW, from the yellow right i need to come with a RED RIGHT. HOW?? theoretically it's 'just' an offset of the yellow perimeter but HFSS has no command todo just that
5. if i have the RED I'm all set. I can subtract RED RIGHT from YELLOW RIGHT to get the annular shape for the RIGHT

the offset means that you need to scale the yellow on the right to get a red on the right?

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