A solution manual of "electricity and magnetism" by Munir H. Nayfeh
Hello, I'm a newbie on this field and have little experience writing in English.
Recently I read "Antenna Theory and Design" written by Warren L. Stutzman. However, my background on this subject is far from the understanding. Because my major is Computer Science.
I have searched some books to supplement this gap. Finally, I found a book written by Prof. Munir H. Nayfeh in 1985. I was able to find some used books but unable to buy a solution manual.
Please, let me know where I can buy that solution manual.
Thank you for reading
Recently I read "Antenna Theory and Design" written by Warren L. Stutzman. However, my background on this subject is far from the understanding. Because my major is Computer Science.
I have searched some books to supplement this gap. Finally, I found a book written by Prof. Munir H. Nayfeh in 1985. I was able to find some used books but unable to buy a solution manual.
Please, let me know where I can buy that solution manual.
Thank you for reading
Even I could not find the solution manual online. I think it is out of order.