Antenna calculation of a dipole antenna on a circuit board
I want calculate the impedance and other antenna parameters of a copper dipole antenna on a FR4 board.
Are there papers/books on this topic?
Is this to design a dipole on FR4, or just to know how to do the calculations based on basic EM knowledge? You may expect significant deviation from the "standard" 50..70 Ohms (for half wave dipole, center fed) if metal (for example ground plane) is close and parallel (within about 0.15lambda) to the dipole.
As long as the wavelength >> substrate thickness, the dielectric will result in lowering of resonant frequency, so to get it back where you want, you should reduce the length somewhat, this also reduces the resonant impedance somewhat.
Wide traces will result in larger useful bandwidth. Note that the relation is almost a log function, so useful BW does not increase proportional to trace width.
Having ground plane under the traces and substrate thickness << lambda, will very likely result in bad results.
For practically useful info, try Antennas for all applications (Kraus), or Antenna Engineering Handbook (Johnson). Of course there are many more useful books
Thx for the information.
I'm not interested in design but in the calculations.
I think the dipole can be seen as two metal strips on a dielectric material - without a ground plane.
But I have only found information how to calculate a microstrip line with a ground plane.
There is no ground directly below, but on a real PCB, there will be some PCB ground nearby. This has a strong effect on the antenna.
Another question would be if dipole is a useful antenna type for PCB work, because it requires a symmetric feed.
Regarding your calculation, are you interested in empirical design formulas or do you want to derive this formulas yourself (with differential calculus and basics of EM and approximations to keep everything manageable)?
Empirical formulas are good for a starting point, but I want to derive formulas.
Are there any information on this topic?