Idea about Magnetic rings on output of adaptor
I have a Dell adaptor which has a magnetic ring at the output side.
I have heared that it is used for filtering...Can anyone guide me some details on it...Are they really used for filtering or someother purpose...Also What will be the effect if I remove it from the output...
Thanks and Regards
Check to see if the laptop receptacle is magnetic as well.
It's possible the magnetic ring is supposed to keep the plug in place in the laptop opening. This could be a design which preserves electrical contact while making physical contact more flexible.
Cracking of motherboards at that spot is common with the traditional power coax connectors. If I were a laptop manufacturer I would make the power jack able to endure impacts, etc.
Superstrong magnets have been used more and more to hold things together. In fact Apple has started using a new design called MagSafe.
There are RF filters on power cables but the ones I've seen are rubber encased ferrites a few inches from the end connector.
I'm quite sure, that's what the O.P. means. The other stuff sounds more like SciFi. There are no magnetic connectors on the market yet.
These ferrire filters help to meet electromagnetic compatibilty (e.m.c.) regulations. Nothing serious happens, if you remove them.
Hey Guys
Thanks But I would like to know, is it tht Dell PSU leaks more ripples or E.M.I ....Is that why they hav used it or so...
I have a WIFI router a my home...Will it produce EMI for this adaptor...
Thanks and Regards
Most likely not. I rather guess, that they take E.M.C. regulations more seriously. It's well known, that manufacturers from certain countries tend to ignore all regulations, even safety related. Nevertheless, you can expect accidental differences between various products that can be hardly predicted.
Ok...But what will be the effect like if i remove that EMC and still use my WIFI router around it....Will that create problems to the PSU
The purpose of the ferrite filter is mainly in reducing active E.M.I., disturbance of other devices. And it's related to conducted EMI below 30 MHz. It's effectively useless at WiFi frequencies.
Hey mate,
Can i get more details about this Ferrite filter from anywhere...Any website or ebook or something...Plz help
Thanks and regards
You can check the data sheets from respective manufacturers, see e.g. the online catalog from, category Round Cable EMI Suppression Cores