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Electromagnetic Simulation of the Human Body

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need all the info posible on human body simulations: CAD models, Voxel Data, CST or Ansoft models, IEEE publications and standards........thanks........

i have an interesting web site concerning interaction between EM waves & human body :


Are you interested in SAR? If so, see the latest publication from Motorola:


hi aaron

take a loook to http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/. there you will find
a full segmented human body (1/2/3mm) and head with 1mm spatial resolution.

The data format is described in a txt file; a simply 'uint8' format, if you use matlab.

I use this model for my phd thesis and have portated it into xfdtd.

best regards: ricy


Thanks for the link

I cant seem to open the ftp site at h**p://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/. .... Can someone please upload the human models and the info needed to read them???? Ive been trying to get into that ftp server forever but I cant.....its probably some configuration problem with IExplorer but I dont now what it is....

I seem to have the same problem with
If someone could post the models would be nice.

Thanks too.

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