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hfss optimization

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys,

First time to do the HFSS optimization to tune a dielectric filter. I set a goal for S11 in a specific frequency range and acceptable cost is set as 0. Widths of the iris are the tuning variables.

The optimization finished much faster than I expected. I thought I had a super good luck that already achieved the 0 cost accidentally. However, then I noticed that HFSS only tuned 6~7 iris dimension variables, and then stopped. The minimum cost is only 0.4.

In HFSS->Design Propoties->OPtimization, I can see the Min and Max of the tuning range for the variables, but my question is how I can set the "tuning density"? (Sorry for my English, I mean how I can make HFSS tune the dimensions by changing them little by little?)

Thanks guys, I already searched the posts relating to this topic, but couldn't find the clue. Also, could any friend send me some tutorial regarding HFSS optimation?

Appreciate any help.


Anyone knows?

Which optimizer are you using? it matters in steps.

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I was using "Quasi Newton", the other option is "pattern search" which I barely heard of.

Look forward to your further assistance.

can any one post an example how to optimize a rectangular waveguide with relative permeability as variable

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