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Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) tutorial and 2D code

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,
I just wanted to know if anybody has a good tutorial and/or code about FDFD. I searched in the web a lot. Although there are plenty of papers applying FDFD to a specific problem, there isn't even one simple tutorial and/or code about FDFD.
Thank you very much,'

Hi Sheila,
Here is the most resourceful page on FDFD available online: http://emlab.utep.edu/resources.htm


Have you seen the paper by Yee? He was the first to describe the method, though he did not call it FDTD. The paper is reasonalby readable. I'm sure a Google search will bring up the reference. If not, drop me a PM with your email and I'll copy you the Yee paper.

There are several books on the topic - can't recall names off hand, and I need to do something else, so can't find time finding them out.


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Thank you :)

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Thanks. However I am looking for FDFD (Finite Difference Frequency Domain) not FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain).

Sorry. I mis-read your post.

I've never even heard of FDFD. The more common approach for time domain seems to be finite elements, not finite difference. But perhaps its practical to write your own FDFD code, whereas its not really with finite element code. I imagine the finite difference code will be easier to write than finite element code.

You mean the more common approach for FREQUENCY (not time domain) domain seems to be finite elements, not finite difference. right?
Well, you are right the Finite Difference is easier than FEM. However, the most important thog for me is solving the problem in frequency domain. If FEM is more common for frequency domain I'll go for it.

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