how to simulate a capacitor in hfss
Looking forward to read your answers.
Thank you very much
You need to define a lumped port across your two plates. You can draw a 2D sheet with the draw line command that joins the two plates. Select that new sheet and assign it a lumped port. Add a new integration line and draw the arrow from one plate to the other. Then you can generate a report with S and Z parameters of that port. yes you need to have your object in the center of the box whose dimension is at least the wavelength of the frequency you are solving.
You can simulate it by drawing any object. Then select that object,
right click on it and select:
Assign boundary>Lumped RLC
But i dont the physical dimensions of a capacitor or a varactor??
Does anyone know?
Have you been able to solve this problem ?
I wont have to be a wavelength. Even for things designed to radiate like antennas, lambda/4 is ok. But for objects like a capacitor it could be much closer.