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How to simulate printed antenna?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
How to simulate single side printed antenna on PCB using NEC? I only care about the radiation pattern, so NEC (MOM based) could be the fastest way. I was told that the printed strip conductors are transformed to circular conductors coated with dielectric or magnetic covers based on the principle of quasi-static energy equivalence, with radiation properties then solved by the usual method of moments for wire antennas. But how?

The following book has this information but I haven't got one:
B. D. Popovic, CAD of Wire Antennas and Related Structures. New York: Wiley, 1991, ch. 2.

Can anyone help me out?

Its a good idea. In 4nec2 i have seen planar GND plane. that means another plate has to be defined on it and to be exited properly to get the result for suspended antenna. SuperNEC supports substrates... ..those who are using superNEC may be able to give a better answer.

I am not sure but dosen't wipl-d use a NEC like code ? It gives o/p very quickly and inputs are very similar to NEC. It can simulate patch antenna.


Thank you g86. Frankly speaking, this is my first time hearing about the mysterious wipl-d. I am still interested to know the equalivent length/radius of the wire relating to the thickness/dielectric constant/width of the substrate. Anyone who has that book could tell us the something.

I might be a little late for this but may I refer you to the following paper:


I am still not very familiar with this technique so if you have had any clues, I will be interested.


Dear Element7k
it'a pity that the link you provide doesn't work to me )"

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