首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 电磁仿真讨论 > how can i plot E(i,j,k) in MATLAB ?

how can i plot E(i,j,k) in MATLAB ?

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
I wrote a program that can specify PEC area in antenna in 2D
now i convert it to 3D
and i want to show my matrix with color
i di that in 2D with imagesc(E)
but in 3D i dont know how do that !!???

every body know that ?
i try plot3 , but plot a white screen for me !

you have four parameters including i,j,k,E(j,j,k)
therefor you should choose three of them and plot it using mesh or meshc or plot3
for more help just post this part of your codes

Hi Dear
thx for your help
i could solve it
i plot it two two, first E(i,k) second E(i,j)
i made a movie for that

best wishes

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