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Even and odd mode impedance in HFSS 11

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Seems the HFSS 11 or 12 has some changes in result report.

In HFSS 10 or ealier version, I see the method to extract the even and odd mode impedances of couple-line as follows in the previous post.
(1) Choosing the driven terminal (not driven modal);
(2) draw two terminal lines when setting the waveports;
(3) after simulation, you can get the differential impedance Zdiff and common impedance Zcomm. Then the even mode impedance Zeven = 2*Zcomm, the odd mode impedance Zodd = 0.5*Zdiff.

How about HFSS 11 or 12, does anyone have some idea?

Now I use driven modal, and set number of modes to 2, and get two different impedances. Are they the even/odd impedances I need?

Also, I find that in driven_terminal solution mode, we can set four terminals for a coupled line.



I too have the same doubt as yours; does 2 modes give even and odd mode impedance values for a wave port excitation?

上一篇:HFSS plot poynting vector

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