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hfss resolution problem in spiral coil modeling

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to simulate a spiral coil with HFSS. when the distance between winding is small -(wire dia 0.3mm - when gap is below 0.1mm) I believe the HFSS relate the coil as one chunk of copper.
I see it from the resistance and inductive results.
is there a limit to the gap the hfss can calc? can I fix it using smaller mesh size? the mesh is already small so is there another option I miss in the software?

Maybe limits with the gap but certainly not 0.1 mm.
Which frequency ? length of the coil ?
Diameter 0.3 , spacing 0.1 --> from my experience ,inductance per length will be very poor, mutual coupling may be insignificant...unless using magnetic core.
If there is a meshing problem, create rectangular (or cylinder) air box around or inner coil and make a Mesh operation /inside selection and force a max length element.

thanks for the advice.
the freq is 100KHz the length is around 2000mm - 22 turns, inner rectangular area 10X14mm -air coil - I cant use magnetic core for this application - is there another way to improve the Q except magnetic core and litz wires?
I have done it with air box and solved inside and also inside the coil itself what do you think is the gap allowable by HFSS?

Considering the 100-kHz operation freq, which is quite low, it is most likely that the mesh is not good enough to accurately capture small features (e.g. 0.1-mm gap). A rule of thumb of checking the mesh for electrically small coils is to make sure that each arm of the most inner turn of the coil has been seperated into at least 2 cells.

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