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Ansoft HFSS human body model

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
hey i am looking for the ansoft HFSS human body model.. Can you please suggest me where i can get it???


Contact your ANSYS account manager.

PLS find the Ansoft official Antenna Design Kit in the attachment, you can study from the official method.

Hi sorry for reviving an old thread but im currently doing a project for my school and Im in need of an ansoft human model aswell. Where do i get this model, can anyone please suggest where i can get it? Thanks in advance.

Just a guess. I would suggest searching Autocad/3Dstudio/Lightwave/Softimage models in 3D CG groups. In 90s I've seen pretty detailed models of human head with parts in separate models. I mean separate ears, eyes, noses, teeth. I believe there are a lot of them because CG guys like different faces blown up and draw every time everything from the scratch. The real problem is material. Guys from our lab, for example, spend several years finding perfect salt solution and fertilizer jelly for quasi-homogenous modeling of human flesh. I've seen several papers just on modelling losses in eyes.

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