How to solve this Error: unable to resolve syms to a function call
syms x, k; h=2; s0= (120*pi)/(2 * pi); s1= symsum ((( -1) .^k * (h) .^ (2*k) ) /( (2*k)* factorial (2*k)) ,k , l , inf) ; v= 0.5 *sin (h);v1= symsum((( -1) .^k * (2*h) .^ ((2*k)+1)) /( ((2*k)+1)* factorial ((2*k+1))) ,k , 0, inf); v2= symsum((( -1) .^k * (h) .^ ((2*k)+1)) /( ((2*k)+1)* factorial ((2*k+1))) ,k , 0, inf); v3=2*v2; v4= v1-v3; s2=v*v4; a= 0.5*cos(h); a1= -0.69; a2= symsum((( -1) .^k * (2*h) .^ (2*k)) /( (2*k)* factorial (2*k)) ,k , 1, inf); a3=2*s1; a4=a1+a2-a3 s3= a*a4; Rr= s0*(s2-(s1+s3)); title( 'Radiation Resistance') xlabel( 'Height (wavelength)') ylabel ('Radiation Resistance(Ohm)') plot(h,Rr,'k');
help plzzz
Wrong syms syntax, undefined variable l. (no claims of being complete)
The l was a typing mistake i replaced it with 1
but i am still getting the same error
plus am getting an empty window of the graph with only the title
please tell me how can i fix this
No error, a single point at h=2 in the plot window. As requested by the code, I think.
no the code should give a graph and not a point
it worked with my frnd on her laptop
and we only have diff values of h
but y is mine not working
can you please try it
I think, there must be an iteration for h.
can you please explain what you mean by that
h is set to 2 and never modified. How should the code plot a graph for different h values?