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Parameterising the antenna model based on HFSS FREQUENCY SWEEP

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if it is possible to change the dimensions of a structure depending on which frequency/wavelength that is solving? I want to model a an antenna (say Monopole) and scale with the Frequency sweep so that I will get the results at the resonating frequency.

I hope I have made the question pretty clear. If not please let me know and I will make the required clarifications

Thank you in advance,

(There was a thread by the name https://www.edaboard.com/thread177461.html started few years ago by somebody but nobody seems to have found a solution for the problem.)

Welcome varun88joshi,

I don't think it's very clear what you're trying to accomplish with this. There won't be a "resonating frequency" if the antenna dimensions scale with frequency. Resonant frequencies are determined by fixed physical dimensions.

Thank you PlanarMetamaterials!

If the physical dimensions change with the frequency for which the structure is being solved, it will be resonant at all the frequencies in the 'frequency sweep'. Eg: 3 GHz = Quarter wavelength of 100 mm, 6 GHz = quarter wavelength of 50 mm. So, if the monopole (in this example) shrinks with changing frequency in the frequency sweep, one can get results for different monopoles without designing them in CAD.

I hope this makes more sense now.


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