how to make wave port size in my case
Hello everybody,
I'm going to design a rectangular patch antenna at millimeter band on a substrate oh h=0.2mm (thickness) , the 50 ohm transmission feed line have w=0.17mm (width). Please how much size should i make for wave port(height and width). Thanks for your help
I'm going to design a rectangular patch antenna at millimeter band on a substrate oh h=0.2mm (thickness) , the 50 ohm transmission feed line have w=0.17mm (width). Please how much size should i make for wave port(height and width). Thanks for your help
Hi ing_2012,
While you leave us to assume you mean a microstrip transmission line, and that you're using HFSS (?), there is a good tutorial that includes this answer at EMtalk
HI ,
sorry, yes i m using HFSS similatotor .I tried EM: talke( HFSS Wave port Size calculator) , but , it gives me : waveport width=0 ; waveport height=1. What to do? :/
try this one!