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How to export CST eigenmode "Mode Frequencies" using VBA macro

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have a problem with CST ascii export using VBA script. I have used CST Eigenmode solver to simulate a periodic structure for 20 number of modes. A parameter phaseY is used in parameter sweep with 80 number of iterations.

The results are OK but the problem arises with exporting the whole data set. I used both of the following methods

Method 1:

SelectTreeItem "1D Results\Mode Frequencies"
ExportPlotData "Output.txt"


SelectTreeItem "1D Results\Mode Frequencies"

With ASCIIExport

.FileName ("Output.txt")

.Mode ("FixedNumber")



End With

The Problem:

In parameter view I have a data set of 21 columns, which are including the folowing parameters

1. phaseY
21. Mode20.
There are 80 number of rows correspond to the number of iteration. When I execute the above VBA macro, the Output.txt file contains only a few rows (25) out of all 80 rows.

I can't understand what is happening wrong.
Please help me

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