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hfss eigenmode

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am using HFSS 10.0 to find out the resonant frequency of certain transmission line resonator in a multilayer substrate. kind of a stripline structure, i.e., the substrate's top-most and bottom-most surface are covered with good thin conductor as ground; the remaining 4 surfaces are just exposed to surrounding air.

I believe that the 'eigenmode' solution could help me do it.

So I draw the resonator and substrate and assigned the top and bottom surface to be silver. Then I draw a much bigger box (10 times the substrate's dimension in all x, y, z direction) to enclose the substrate. I assign the materials of the big box as 'air'

Then I simulate it with eigenmode solution. I got 5.2GHz as the 1st resonant freq

HOWEVER, when I reduce the big box's size to around 5 times of the substrate's xyz dimension, I got 10.2GHz!!

So what went wrong?

Please please help me!



I thought what you got is the air box (cavity) resonance. For you transmission line resonance, you may try to use waveport or lumpedport to excite your structure and observe resonance.


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