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Corrugated Trapezoidal Structure in HFSS

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I am trying to carry out eigen mode solution upon a corrugated trapezoidal structure. I used metal and it shows solving inside a solid with high conductivity may require a large mesh in hfss. I have applied master slave boundary condition, want to carry the sim using metal. since i have a corrugated structure the whole objects became one. "not checking solve inside" is not of help. mesh operations should be defined. i need help badly.

Why do you need to solve inside the metal if it has a high conductivity?

i want to find out the reflection profile of a trapezoidally corrugated slow wave structure. for that i have to excite the structure with a antenna.how do i do that?

here i want to add some image of the designed structure

You can excite the structure with an incident plane wave for the general case. Use an antenna if you need a specific setup, but the simulation will be much larger.

for finding the reflection profile of the structure from resonance peaks i have to short the both sides with metal. what type of antenna should i use?

Is it possible to find the s11 parameters if i use incident wave for excitation

I'm not sure what you mean. Short both sides of what?

Yes. You need to insert a measurement plane. (Scattered Real Power/ Incident Real Power) integrated over this plane (for power normal to the plane, obviously) will give you the square of S11.

May you please elaborate on measurement plane.

Any surface, really -- a square sheet should do. For best results, surface normal in the direction of propagation, and the sheet completely covers the cross-sectional area of the waveguide.

I'm not sure what you're expecting to get out of this test, though. Won't the power always be completely reflected?

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