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how to design sma connector in cst mws to feed cpw

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
please provide the necessary design steps to design sma connector to feed cpw in cst

its easy if you can import the sma connector design from other softwares. some websites in the internet giving drawing of body phantom and etc for free. you can look it up in the internet for sma.

its not easy to draw a shape in CST. you need alot of experience and time to accurately model the shape.

Hi sandeepkiranv,

Any particular reason you want to use an sma connector to excite the cpw?

As pragash mentioned, it will be tough, especially to connect the sma pin to the cpw line.

For most applications, waveguide port or discrete port would suffice.

Unless of course, you are keen on the fields near the excitation, then an sma would provide more accurate results.

Let us know how you get on, and if you do proceed by modelling the sma, would be keen on finding out how you managed the connection.

Hi sandeepkiranv,

Importance of sma connector in the antenna simulation is less. If you are interesting in observing the fields at the sma connector only you need the sma connector in simulation. For waveport in cpw case just you take width as just more than three times of feed line width and height should be equal to the feed line width(half height above the patch and half height below the patch).

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