hfss simulation , 2 questions
1.I built a simple structre illuminated by a palne wave.
How do i view the scattered E and H fields?
If i choose HFSS->Fields>E field , it gives me themagnetude of the total field or the scatterd one?
2.My structure is made of a loop, and i want to get a plot of a 2d graph H field vs phase, how do i do that?
thanks a lot!
If i may,
i have a third question:
Can i recive any analytic function of mag E or H as a function of positioning of my object?
lets say that i draw a rectangular wave-guide. I made an analysis, and i recived the mag of E field
on the top face of the structure.
now i want to recive any analytic function of mag E vs position,
how can i do it with hfss?
thanks a lot!
1) You need to make sure the excitation is some sort of incident wave, such as a plane wave. If you have this, the menu under HFSS-> Fields-> Edit Sources will allow you to select "Incident".
2) H-Field at what point?
3) No. You can however plot the E-field field along a line by inserting a line into the simulation, and then selecting this line as the plot's data source.
for Q.2:
H field on the loop's surface.
i would like to recive a graph of H field vs phase on the loop.