Maxwell3d transitional motion problem????
I was design a maxwell3d transient project with 2 coil a transmitter and a receiver.
Transmitter fix and transmit signal and receiver have a motion and receive signal.
transmitter is a coil with winding with sin current excision and 2000turn
receiver is a coil with winding without excision because I want to see induced voltage and 2000turn
I have two test scenario:
1:receiver have a rotational motion and I do it without any problem and I see induced voltage.
2.receiver have a transitional motion and when I do this scenario it have a problem. only when I delete winding form receiver it work but in this situation I can not see induced voltage.why?
error message is:winding can not touch bond.
but my winding did not touch bond.
Please help me. I can not find any thing in help,manual,web,... about this.
Best Regards
I was design a maxwell3d transient project with 2 coil a transmitter and a receiver.
Transmitter fix and transmit signal and receiver have a motion and receive signal.
transmitter is a coil with winding with sin current excision and 2000turn
receiver is a coil with winding without excision because I want to see induced voltage and 2000turn
I have two test scenario:
1:receiver have a rotational motion and I do it without any problem and I see induced voltage.
2.receiver have a transitional motion and when I do this scenario it have a problem. only when I delete winding form receiver it work but in this situation I can not see induced voltage.why?
error message is:winding can not touch bond.
but my winding did not touch bond.
Please help me. I can not find any thing in help,manual,web,... about this.
Best Regards