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Repeat a Unit Cell over an area in HFSS

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have to design a High Pass frequency Selective Surface with a cutoff around 10Ghz. One CST whitepaper tells me that one way to do this is to first design a unit cells and then repeat the cell over the required cross-section. One way to go about this is to take the cell and manually copy and paste it into new locations, building the screen brick-by-brick so to speak. This way seems to be very time consuming and inefficient, because if I have to adjust the cell, then I have to do the entire thing again. Is there any way to do this more efficiently? Like write a program to copy over the the cells to new positions?


Maybe you could try duplicate. Select your unit cell and right click->edit->duplicate->along line, then apply the distance you want and you could change the total number to get the numbers of unit cell you want. Hope it could help you!

Thanks. Let me try that and get back to you.

Thanks.. Not what I was looking for, but it helped speed up the process.

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